
What is the Gunbot.store Affiliate Program, and how does it work?

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Last updated on
February 9, 2024

The Gunbot.store Affiliate Program offers you an exciting opportunity to earn commissions while promoting Gunbot. Here's how it works:

When you refer individuals to our site using your unique affiliate link, a special cookie is placed on their computer, valid for 45 days. This means that for every order placed by someone who clicked on your link, you earn a commission. We usually facilitate payouts in cryptocurrency, though exceptions can be arranged upon request.

You'll get an email when a user successfully completes a purchase after clicking your referral link. You'll also receive an email if a user initiates the payment process but hasn't finalized it yet.

Your referral link will look like this: https://gunbot.store/?ref=youruniqueID.

One of the standout features of our program is its simplicity—there's no need to create an account. The referral program is streamlined, making it easy for you to start earning commissions. Moreover, there's a 45-day window for users to make a purchase after clicking your link, ensuring you have a generous timeframe for commission opportunities.

As you position Gunbot higher in your promotions, the potential for earning more commissions increases. However, the decision on your promotional strategy is entirely yours.

Payout schedules are flexible and open to discussion. Typically, we opt for a monthly payout to help you accumulate earnings and minimize withdrawal fees.

Contact us to join our Affiliate Program and start earning commissions by promoting Gunbot today!